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all set
[all set] {adj. phr.} Ready to start. * /"Is the plane […]

all shook up
[all shook up] also [shook up] {adj.}, {slang} In a state […]

all systems go
[all systems go] {Originally from space English, now general colloquial usage.} […]

all the
[all the] (1) {adj. phr.}, {dial.} The only. * /A hut […]

all the
[all the] (2) {adv. phr.} Than otherwise; even. - Used to […]

all the ---er
[all the ---er] {substandard} The ---est; as ... as. - Used […]

all the better
[all the better] See: [ALL THE] (2).

all the same
[all the same] (1) or [all one] {n. phr.} Something that […]

all the same
[all the same] (2) or [just the same] {adv. phr.}, {informal} […]

all the thing
[all the thing] or [all the rage], [the in thing] {n. […]