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up front
[up front] (2) {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Open, sincere, hiding nothing. * […]

up tight
[up tight] or [uptight] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Worried, irritated, excessively eager […]

upper story
[upper story] {n.} 1. A floor or level of a building […]

use one's head
[use one's head] or {slang} [use one's bean] or {slang} [use […]

watch one's dust
[watch one's dust] or [watch one's smoke] {v. phr.}, {slang} To […]

weigh in
[weigh in] {v.} 1a. To take the weight of; weigh. * […]

[well-heeled] {adj.}, {slang} Wealthy; having plenty of money. * /Bob's father, […]

wet one's whistle
[wet one's whistle] {v. phr.}, {slang} To have a drink, especially […]

what's up
[what's up] or [what's cooking] also [what's doing] {slang} What is […]

what's with
[what's with] or [what's up with] also [what's by] {slang} What […]