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Search context: Content, categorized as "{adv. phr.}"

at the outset
[at the outset] {adv. phr.} At the start; at the beginning. […]

at the outside
[at the outside] {adv. phr.} Maximally; at the utmost. * /This […]

at the same time
[at the same time] {adv. phr.} 1. In the same moment; […]

at the table
[at the table] or [at table] {adv. phr.} At a meal; […]

at the tip of one's tongue
[at the tip of one's tongue] or [on the tip of […]

at the top of one's voice
[at the top of one's voice] or [at the top of […]

at this rate
[at this rate] or [at that rate] {adv. phr.} At a […]

at times
[at times] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; not every day; […]

at will
[at will] {adv. phr.} As you like; as you please or […]

at worst
[at worst] or [at the worst] {adv. phr.} 1. Under the […]