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pay off

pay off  {v. phr.}
1. Платить заработную плату.
The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday.
2. Оплачивать работу и освобождаться от обязанностей.
When the building was completed he paid off the laborers.
3. Ударять, причинять боль тому, кто был с вами не прав (отплатить); мстить.
When Bob tripped Dick, Dick paid Bob off by punching him in the nose.
4.  {informal} Возвращать затраты; получать прибыль.
At first Mr. Harrison lost money on his investments, but finally one paid off.
5.  {informal} Оказываться удачным, полезным или стоящим.
Ben's friendship with the old man who lived beside him paid off in pleasant hours and broadened interests.
John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. He made an A.
Категории: {informal} {v. phr.}