Prutkov Kozma
Kozma Prutkov — a collective pseudonym for the group of Russian writers — Alexey Tolstoy and Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, who performed jointly in 50—60s of the 19th century.
Entries 91—100 [total 101]; pages: 11 all
Contents of Prutkov Kozma:
What other people can say about you if you can't say anything about yourself?
When looking at the sun, squint your eyes — and you'll readily discern the spots upon it.
When the nations brawl, this is called war.
Where is the beginning of the end that comes at the end of the beginning?
Who prevents you from inventing waterproof gun-powder?
Wisdom is like turtle soup in that not everybody can get it.
Wise words are like the lines printed in italics.
Without colors, all the people would be dressed in monotone.
Work like an ant, to be assimilated with a bee.
Zeal overcomes everything!
Entries 91—100 [total 101]; pages: 11 all
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