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В разделе I:
[in circulation] или [into circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Появляющийся на людях и занимающийся обычными делами; присоединяющийся к другим.
* /John broke his leg and was out of […]
[in consequence of] {prep.}, {formal}
В результате.
In consequence of the deep snow, school will not open today.
In consequence of his promise to pay for the broken window, Bill was not punished.
[in consideration of] {adv. phr.}
1. Подумав и взвесив; из-за.
In consideration of the boy's young age, the judge did not put him in jail for carrying a gun.
2. В обмен на; из-за; в оплату за.
* /In […]
[in defiance of] {prep.}
Действуя против; в неповиновении.
The girl chewed gum in defiance of the teacher's rule.
Bob stayed up late in defiance of the coach's orders.
[in favor of] {prep.}
На стороне (кого-л.); (с "to be") — {v.} — одобрять, быть за (что-л.).
Everyone in the class voted in favor of the party.
Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick.
Ср.: [IN BACK OF] […]
[in good] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Всеми любимый, имеющий хорошую репутацию; Принятый, одобренный. — Исп. с "with".
* /The boy washed the blackboards so that he would get in good with Iris […]
[in hand] {adv.} или {adj. phr.}
1. Под контролем.
The principal was happy to find that the new teacher had her class in hand.
The baby-sitter kept the children well in hand.
* /Mabel was frightened when the barking dog ran at […]
[in mind] {adv. phr.}
1. В центре ваших забот; под вашим пристальным вниманием.
* /You have to be home by 11 o'clock. Keep that in mind, Bob. — Ты должен быть дома к 11 часам. Имей […]
[in no time] или [in nothing flat] {adv. phr.}, {informal}
В очень короткий срок; скоро; быстро.
When the entire class worked together they finished the project in no time.
* /The bus filled with students in nothing […]
[in one's bad graces] {adj. phr.}
В разладе (с кем-л.); в немилости (у кого-л.).
John was in his mother's bad graces because he spilled his milk on the tablecloth.
* /Don got in the bad graces of the teacher by laughing […]