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В разделе C:
[chew the fat] or [chew the rag] {v. phr.}, {slang}
Разговаривать с кем-л. в беззаботной, дружеской манере; непринужденно болтать.
* /We used to meet after work, and chew the fat over […]
[chicken feed] {n.}, {slang}
Ничтожная сумма денег.
John and Bill worked very hard, but they were only paid chicken feed.
Mr. Jones is so rich, he thinks a thousand dollars is chicken feed.
[chicken-hearted] {adj.}
Трусливый; чрезмерно застенчивый.
"Come on, let's get on that roller coaster," she cried. "Don't be so chicken-hearted."
[chicken-livered] {adj.}, {slang}, {colloquial}
Легко пугаемый; трусливый.
Joe sure is a chicken-livered guy.
[child's play] {adj.}
Легкий; не требующий усилий.
Mary's work as a volunteer social worker is so agreeable to her that she thinks of it as child's play.
[chip in] or [kick in] {v.}, {informal}
Участвовать наравне с другими или скидываться вместе на что-л.; делать вклад.
* /The pupils chipped in a dime apiece for the teacher's Christmas […]
[Christmas card] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon}
Штраф за превышение скорости.
Smokey just gave a Christmas card to the eighteen wheeler we passed.
[Christmas club] {n.}
Рождественский вклад — банковский депозит для накопления денег на рождественские покупки.
John deposits $10 each week in the Christmas club.
* /The […]